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Seminar for wheelchair basketball coaches to be held in Nis, Serbia 6th-7th April 2024

25 Mar 2024

As part of the BIG project, a seminar for wheelchair basketball coaches is to be held in Nis 6th-7th April 2024. Lecturer of the seminar is Miljan Hadžović, Intern Researcher at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of University of Niš. As head coach of Wheelchair Basketball Club “Nais”, Niš, Serbia and Assistant coach of Serbian wheelchair basketball team, Miljan has vast experience in the field of wheelchair basketball. He’s also actively taking part in the University of Nis teaching program as teaching assistant in the following courses:

  1. Sport for Persons with Disabilities (Bachelor studies)
  2. Adapted Physical Exercise (Bachelor studies)
  3. A Holistic Approach to Adapted Physical Activity (Master studies)
  4. Inclusion in Organized Physical Activities (Master studies)
  5. Adaptive Physical Activity (Master studies)

Throughout his career Miljan took part in an extensive group of training seminars and camps related to sports for disabled athletes and social inclusion, including Training seminar within the project “Inclusion of disabled people through basketball Erasmus+ sports” in Komotini, Greece, “Exchange of the good practices and awareness raising campaign methodology” within the project “Inclusion Reloaded” in Palermo, Italy and Training seminar within the project “РаrаEntreрreneurshiр training academy – PTA” in Aheloy, Bulgaria, among others.

His good communication skills gained throughout his career as trainer and teaching assistant, as well as his fluent knowledge of English language make him a perfect fit for this position and we are thrilled to have him as a guest lecturer for our Basketball Inclusive Games project.