International Wheelchair Basketball Federation Europe (IWBF)

International Wheelchair Basketball Federation

The IWBF Europe strives to keep wheelchair basketball as the most successful and attractive Paralympic team sport in Europe. Our Mission is to encourage more people to participate and to continue to play wheelchair basketball in order to achieve their full potential.
Our federation stands for team spirit, passion and success. We believe that wheelchair basketball is the best Paralympic sport in the world because it pushes people beyond their boundaries to perform at their very best, offering transferable lifelong skills and friendships, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle for those who take part.

The IWBF Europe is the European wheelchair basketball federation and the counterpart to FIBA Europe. The IWBF Europe belongs to the IWBF (International Wheelchair Basketball Federation), which consists of 4 Zones (America, Africa, Asia-Oceania, Europe). IWBF Europe is by far the largest and most important zone. IWBF Europe, on behalf of IWBF, promotes, supervises and directs the sport of wheelchair basketball within its Zone, strictly recognising the autonomy of each NOWB within its own territory, while following the policies of IWBF as established by the World Congress and the IWBF Executive Council.

BBF logo

Bulgarian Basketball Federation (BBF)

Bulgarian Basketball Federation

BBF is independent voluntary association of basketball clubs (totally 120 Bulgarian basketball clubs – members ) which carry out activities for development of basketball in Bulgaria in the officially recognised by FIBA disciplines: basketball, 3×3, wheelchair basketball and basketball for veterans;  BBF is representing Bulgarian basketball in the international and national sports organisations and is member of International Basketball Federation (FIBA) and Bulgarian Olympic Committee (BOC)

Purpose of activities:

To take care for the functioning and development of basketball in Bulgaria.

To create the directions, the main methodological requirements and documents regarding practicing basketball in Bulgaria  in accordance with the main directions of the physical education national policy and to follow and supervise its implementation.

To coordinate and control the organization, development and practicing of basketball in Bulgaria in complete compliance with the nationally and internationally approved standards and requirements

To organize any activity designed to make basketball widely popular and socially important sport;

To make basketball a sport that helps for the education, social contacts, the formation of the culture of behavior and value system of the young people;

To ensure the best possible conditions for the increasing of the level of sports skills of the players and their best presentation;

To help basketball to reach prestigious positions in national and international aspects;

To attract high level specialists and to increase the qualification of basketball personnel.

Cyprus Basketball Federation (CBF)

Cyprus Basketball Federation

Basketball for Life Skills (BASKI) primarily addresses the call topic “Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes”

BASKI envisions to develop a training program for basketball coaches, sports educators, sports and education decision makers on how to promote basketball among primary school students as a medium of life skills development, with emphasis on civic participation and social contribution.


To educate all the stakeholders involved to children’s’ physical education, with the main focus being on targeting parents, school principals and teachers.

To all stakeholders involved BASKI will aim to communicate the numerous benefits of basketball such as physical and mental health as well as intellectual skills gained from the sport. This will mainly be achieved by holding interactive and fun seminars, drafting and distributing informational manuals, and also with the use of equipment and games. All these will be collected to the BASKI Interactive Coaching for Coaches Package.


The BASKI Curriculum and Open Resource Toolbox will be developed in a blended format with both face to face and online activities and it will follow the principles of training the trainers learning format. Some of the themes to be covered are:

Basketball based pedagogical approaches

Life Skills Development for Youth

Basketball in the Community

Social Integration through Basketball

Physical Health, Mental Health, Life Health

Important aspect of the development both of the content and the learning environment will be the involvement of target groups and stakeholders in all the phases of design and development.

Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation (OSEKA)

Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation

In 1999 the General Secretary of Sports recognized the Hellenic Wheelchair Basketball Federation (HWBF) as an independent Federation which follows the athletic laws, has its own articles of association, internal regulations and generally provides the development of this sport in a National and International level.

The Federation is a member of the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF), which is a member of the International Basketball Federation FIBA. More specifically, HWBF belongs to the European Zone of IWBF, which means that the Greek Teams participate in the Euro League Cups and the National Team participates in the European Championship every two year, depends of the Division each time.

HWBF since 1995 has organized 23 Panhellenic Championships and 22 Panhellenic Cups. The HWBF force includes 19 teams that extend throughout Greece, from Komotini to Crete, which participate in the national championships of the A1 national category (6 teams) and the A2 national category (12 teams), organized by HWBF, as well as in the Panhellenic Cup. The total number of athletes in the teams is 350.

The main events of the Federation are: The Panhellenic Championship, the Panhellenic Cup and other events, which contribute to the development of the sport. In addition, it takes care of the representation of our country through the National Team.

The HWBF, from 1999 until today, participates in all international competitions and at the level of National Team, but also at the level of Sports Clubs.

Croatian Wheelchair Basketball Federation (HSKUK)

Croatian Wheelchair Basketball Federation

The Croatian Wheelchair Basketball Federetation is a National Organisation governing the wheelchair basketball in Croatia. Founded in 2007 by three clubs to form a national governing body .

The idea was to play organised basketball and develop the sport. Soon after clubs started joining the lFederation and at the highest peak we had 12 clubs playing in two legues.

The Federation has a national team of Croatia and has been participating European Championship since 1998, currently in B division in the 5th place at the last championship

We have two representative in the interanation legue NLB (KKI Zadar and Zagreb)

Integration Sports Club “Konstancin” (IKS)

Integration Sports Club “Konstancin”

The club was founded in 1996 at the rehabilitation hospital in Konstancin. The Basketball section has been implementing projects in the field of promoting physical culture for many years. After more than 28 years of activity, the club win medals of the Polish Championships: 14 brown, 3 silver, 1 gold.

The team from Konstancin represents the country on the international tournaments – 6 times participation in the Euroleague (Austria, Italy, GB, Germany, and two times in Greece.)Our players train twice a week and participate in the Polish 1st league and the Polish Cup The goals of the Club are:Popularization of participation (encouraging more and more people with disabilities) tosports competition in the discipline of wheelchair basketball, integration of people the disabled and able-bodied from the Konstancin county.

Eastern Serbia Regional Basketball Association (RKSIS)

Integration Sports Club “Konstancin”

The Eastern Serbia Regional Basketball Association (RKSIS) was founded in 1996 as Region 7 of the Basketball Association of Serbia. In 2006, with the change in the statute of the Basketball Federation of Serbia, the new name is RKSIS. As part of the Basketball Association of Serbia, we organize men’s and women’s basketball competitions, mini basketball festivals for children and 3×3 basketball programs.

Our main goal is the development of basketball in Eastern Serbia, regrowth of the sport as the number one sport in the country, and creating conditions for creating and developing young talents in our basketball clubs.

The Eastern Serbia Regional Basketball Association is a non-profit organization, working solely in the direction of development of basketball in the region, in all FIBA recognized disciplines.

Turkish Sports Federation for Physically Disabled (TBESF)

Turkish Sports Federation for Physically Disabled

With the Paralympic organizations in the world and the establishment of the Turkish Physically Disabled Sports Federation, a new page has been opened in the access of our physically disabled individuals to sports. At the point we have reached today, we have transformed into a large community, a successful sports organization that is known by all sports lovers, has 21 branches, and attracts the attention of the sports public with its world successes, rather than just an institution that serves the disabled individuals, attracts or tries to attract their attention. The greatest architects of this transformation are our athletes, who work hard, have high potential, and raise the bar one step further by surprising us every time. Undoubtedly, a parenthesis should be opened for our volunteers. We are very happy to witness that our volunteers are increasing every year. As a matter of fact, our geography is the homeland of loyalty, effort, hard work and compassion.

The energy created by the efforts, dedication and leadership of the athletes, coaches, managers and supporters we have brought together since our establishment reaches millions of young people today, allowing them to dream more. Our disabled citizens, who had difficulties in accessing sports opportunities years ago, are now competing with each other with the dream of hoisting our flag at the World Paralympics.

Together with our Board of Directors and our technical team, we are working for our athletes to dream of more. We dream of being on more podiums in international competitions, representing our country with more athletes in the Olympics, increasing the number of our Gold Medals, raising awareness about the access of people with disabilities to sports, reaching modern facilities by making the environment we live in more accessible, and finally hosting the World Paralympic Games. We will be honored to act together on this journey.

Champions factory Ireland Limited (ChF-IR)

Champions factory Ireland Limited

Champions Factory Ireland Limited is a non-governmental organisation based in Dublin and aims to develop innovations in the field of sport, education, training and youth. The organisation is a
member of Champions Factory International Network with official branches in London (UK), Sofia (Bulgaria), Accra (Ghana), and Bursa (Turkey).

Our Mission
The mission of Champions Factory Ireland Limited (ChF IE) is to encourage and support interdiscipli-nary and inter-collaborative sport research, serve as a research hub for sport
researchers from across Europe, and disseminate sport research results to academics, sport practitioners and the general public. The world of sport is rapidly evolving. As a result, issues arise
with increasing regularity. ChF IE organ-isational goal is to create awareness of these questions and to foster creative solutions.

Our Vision
ChF IE’s vision is to provide opportunities for independent, organised and focused cross-disciplinary research regarding the sport development in Europe and on World level. Specifically,
ChF IE is com-mitted to serving as a national and international sports research, building research capacity – both in-ternally and externally.

Federatia Romana de Baschet (FRB)

Federatia Romana de Baschet

FRB exercise and authority in the organization, orientation, development and control of basketball activity on the territory of Romania and in international representation. In charge for the strategy regarding developing basketball at all levels, from minibasket to top level, men and women. Implementing strategy regarding National Teams, at all levels, organizing youth national and international events. FRB promotes good communication with coaches and team representatives regarding the development of basketball starting from very young ages to the National Team. Organizing Clinics for coaches, in order to rise their technical level and understanding of the development of this sport. Organizing training camps, national and international – in close collaboration with FIBA and National Federation Partners through Europe.

Mrs. CARMEN TOCALA is the President of the Romanian Basketball Federation, FIBA Central Board Member, and Executive Committee member. Previously was FIBA Europe Vice-president.

Sports Federation for the Disabled of Slovenia – Paralympic Committee of Slovenia (NPC SLOVENIA)

Sports Federation for the Disabled of Slovenia – Paralympic Committee of Slovenia

FRB exercise and authority in the organization, orientation, development and control of basketball activity on the territory of Romania and in international representation. In charge for the strategy regarding developing basketball at all levels, from minibasket to top level, men and women. Implementing strategy regarding National Teams, at all levels, organizing youth national and international events. FRB promotes good communication with coaches and team representatives regarding the development of basketball starting from very young ages to the National Team. Organizing Clinics for coaches, in order to rise their technical level and understanding of the development of this sport. Organizing training camps, national and international – in close collaboration with FIBA and National Federation Partners through Europe.

Mrs. CARMEN TOCALA is the President of the Romanian Basketball Federation, FIBA Central Board Member, and Executive Committee member. Previously was FIBA Europe Vice-president.